When we practice Yoga, we strive for the union of our minds and bodies. We aim for the same thing, whether we practice asanas, pranayama, ahimsa, svadhyaya, or bhakti. When we meditate, our goal doesn’t change – we aim to unite our mind and body along with the spirit. It is not about stopping or confronting our thoughts.

Our thoughts prove we’re alive. There are different ways to meditate to be one with our thoughts, and it’s crucial that you find one that works for you. When we meditate alone, there are certain obstacles we face. This can change when we meditate in a group setting.

Meditating in a group with proper guidance, support, and a community can benefit our mental well-being. Group meditation can be advantageous for an amateur or a pro. You might go once in a while or often, depending on how useful you find it. Regardless of how you meditate, there are benefits you shouldn’t miss.

Why Meditate?

Meditation has many benefits and is more popular than ever. Meditation can improve your physical and mental health and overall well-being. The benefits only increase over time. If individual meditation works well, group meditation can increase your vibrations further. It can help in accelerating your manifestations and expanding your worldview.

Group meditation can also motivate you to practice daily at your desired level. We are constantly busy, so our intentions can often get lost if we don’t meditate. Joining a group can help keep you accountable and inspire you further.

Money Manifestation Meditation workshop conducted by Dr. Sujata Singhi

The Meditation Lifestyle

Meditation has been a part of the Indian tradition for centuries, and the values are condensed into three Sanskrit words:

  • Satsang (Community): You should be a part of a peaceful and wise community. This encourages sharing and socialization. Meeting like-minded people can increase your vibrations.
  • Simran (Remembrance): When you meditate, you remember who you are as you get in touch with your true self. Your purpose becomes stronger when you learn about yourself.
  •  Seva (Service): When you serve the community, you don’t lose anything, but the people around you gain. You spread the peace that you found through meditation. 

Benefits Of Group Meditation

You Feel Harmonious

When you meditate in a group, you feel at peace with others. The peaceful energy in the room becomes palpable. You feel a sense of calmness and steadiness when you meditate together. Erica Jago, a meditation expert, observed that people could feel a strong intention towards world peace when they connect collectively.

You Will Feel More Empathetic Than Before

You can recognize people and their situations better. You also can understand others’ experiences, frustrations, and goals. When people spend more time together, they feel more empathetic. When we put ourselves in the shoes of others, we feel compassionate and connect deeply.

You Will Feel Motivated

It’s harder to give up when you practice with others. When you meditate alone, you can give up when you feel frustrated or out of it. When in a group, you can tap into others’ energy and push through. You can also share your frustrations and ask for guidance – this will help you know that you are not alone. When a group meditation is guided by a master or guru to a group, the benefits are manifold.

You can feel peaceful in others’ peace while you find your groove. You’re not alone, either way.

You’ll Be More Accountable

Meditation is incredibly beneficial, but that doesn’t mean it’s not challenging. You get the benefit of peer encouragement. Having a group of people holding you accountable makes you less likely to give up. It also encourages you to be more gentle with yourself and others.

You’ll Increase Your Vibrations Through Bonding

Your friends make you who you are and determine how you spend your time. If you hang out with positive people, you are more likely to have a meaningful and mindful life. Meditation encourages bonding. Maybe you’ll even go on a meditation retreat with your group.

The Bottom Line

Regardless of your motivations, you will find more benefits when you meditate with people. We all struggle to stick to our practices when we’re busy. Having a group makes us more reliable and accountable. They are also there to remind us of the benefits of meditation. There’s no such thing as a bad meditation session – except if you don’t show up.

About The Author

Dr. Sujata Singhi, is an author, licensed NLP trainer, certified life coach, corporate leadership trainer, speaker, sound and spiritual scientist. Author of the international bestseller and awarded book, “Power of Sound”, which earned her the title of, “Boon to mankind” by the Hon. President of India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee during his tenure in May 2017. She has also written the books ,” Cut the Crap” and recently launched her new book called “Reclaim your riches” and it is a NO.1 Best Seller on Amazon. This book has also been awarded. She has been conferred with 5 doctorates and a D.Litt in specialized areas of Sound and Music as therapy, NLP, Spiritual Sciences, science of Wellness, Happiness and Humanities. She is also a youth transformation and Prosperity Coach as a nation builder. Her other

achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer and the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

During the pandemic, Dr. Singhi conducted 307 virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Meditations, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, and Certifications. All of her workshops revolve around wellness, relationships, and financial health. She was awarded the Ashok Stumbh, Gem of India and various other national and international awards for her contribution to mankind.

She is also an international meditation expert having guided thousands of people across the globe on effective meditation and has witnessed miraculous results in health, wealth, relationships and spiritual evolvement. She has been referred as a guru by her participants. Spiritual retreats for the same are led by her internationally.

Check on www.sujatasinghi.com for upcoming trainings and events.

How To Reclaim your Riches

In this book by Dr. Sujata Singhi, she explores the secrets of “manifesting” and achieving the ability to live a magnetic life filled with complete joy and freedom. It manages to transform your life by giving you access to clear information with a new perspective.

Learning the holistic approach to ancient, time-tested, and scientifically proven methods can help you “Reclaim your Riches” and find contentedness. 

BONUSES: guided processes recorded by the author are given free in the book. Use the QR code shared in the book to access the powerful guided process-driven meditations worth 9,000/- totally free.

Book your copy on: https://amzn.to/2YQIIhf

Visit: www.sujatasinghi.com

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