What is satisfaction? Is it simply a perspective or something that lifts you to a higher plane? Is it pride or responsibility towards your objectives? Is it what you make progress toward or what decides your very being?

Are you ready to shake it off and look forward to what’s next? Jump into 2021 with joyful anticipation and feeling in control!

This is the time to refocus your attention and decide what to prioritize.

Hello, 2021!

Learn to forgive: This is one of the most important things you need to do if you want that lightness in your heart. Forgive and then forget all the hurt that makes you a different person than the one you want to be.

Carpe Diem: Find satisfaction in each seemingly insignificant detail you do, regardless of whether you think that it’s dull and ordinary. Truly, hold onto the day. We have however one daily routine to experience and take all the risks we have.

Be solid and healthy: Being truly sound makes you alert intellectually too! “It is wellbeing that is genuine abundance, and not bits of gold and silver.” – Mohandas

Love one and all: Love drives the world as we know it! Try not to stop for a second to mention to others what you feel about them, particularly with regards to cherish. “Love isn’t what the psyche thinks, however, what the heart feels.”

Yes, to me-time: Do get some much-needed rest each week or two times every week to do the things you like, without anyone else. Bliss likewise implies the time you go through associating with yourself. “The most impressive relationship you will actually have is simply the relationship.”

About the Author:

Dr. Sujata Singhi

Author of the International bestseller book” Power of Sound”, next upcoming book, “Reclaim your Riches”, Doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, International trainer of Sound Therapies, Motivational and Keynote Speaker Certified Life and Transformation Coach, Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer, Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

In this time of the global pandemic, she has been conducting various online workshops in the field of Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, certifications, and many more series of workshops for wellness, relationships, and financial health which are experiential and attended by people from across the world. Do check the website under upcoming events for the schedule of each of these workshops

Visit: www.sujatasinghi.com

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sujatasinghi