Consciousness, which we can relate to what we can remember and recollect from our present memory. But do we know there are three levels of our consciousness? Yes, this is a phenomenon only psychologists and psychiatrists are aware of. The conscious, the subconscious, and the unconscious mind are three levels of consciousness. We are here to talk about the concept of awakening the sub-conscious and the unconscious mind so that we lead a wholesome and holistic life, that seeks physical, spiritual, and emotional fulfilment. The best way to awaken the consciousness is to audit one’s own life and spend quality time with one’s inner self.
What our consciousness is all about?
Consciousness is being aware of an external object of things that occur within oneself such as feelings, memories, thoughts, and sensations. It can also be defined as the ability of the person to experience certain feelings, having own sense of selfhood, and take expert control of the mind. The concept of Consciousness is gaining tremendous momentum these days and people are trying to awaken their inner consciousness in an attempt to gain inner peace and solidarity.
Our life is indeed a long journey that starts from birth and ends in the coffin. The in-between period that we live in is filled with dramas, tragedies, secrets, and is truly a conglomerate of incidents. The traces of all these incidents are stored in our consciousness, no matter if we can remember or recollect it now. Those are still imprinted there and successful people are those who can recollect the traces in their subconscious mind and use for succeeding in their present life. Perhaps the genius scientist of the present times are people who can make the complete use of their mind, remember and recollect concepts, formulas and
events and use them in their theories to gain fame and trust.
Why the sudden focus on awakening the consciousness?
We have discussed the levels of mind, and now let us discuss the stages of mind, the ID, Ego, and the Super Ego. While Id represents our immature and childish instincts, the Super-Ego helps us to behave in a meaningful manner in society. The Ego is an interesting component that serves as a bridge between the id and the superego. If you are truly looking forward to awakening your consciousness, then you should learn to master the ego. This will help you to lead your life based on deeper intelligence and help you to experience the concept of ‘formlessness’, where the origin of life truly exists. By working on your consciousness, you can allow your life to be your wonderful teacher and guide, in all circumstances. Without your realization, you will soon be the master of your life and reach great places without any hurdles.
Let’s talk about how you can awaken your consciousness:
Awakening of the consciousness can either happen in stages or all of a sudden, but there is a specific flow of events that awakening brings about in the process of transforming the life of a person. By understanding the awakening process, it is possible to seek clarity in one’s actions and seek inner peace. Let us discuss the stages of awakening here,
Deep meditation:

Meditation has been in practice for thousands of years and it still works. It is considered one of the greatest spiritual practices of all times and helps in awakening our deep thoughts and in cleansing the mind for better. Meditation is a proven way to decrease stress, tension, anxiety, and worry. It helps to see and perceive more clearly and in calming the mind. We all know it is easy and profitable to fish in a clear pond. Likewise, if the mind is clear, it is possible to think clearly and make clear decisions.
Being Mindful:

Mindfulness is paying close attention to the present moment and being non-judgmental about it. One best way to awaken the consciousness and to stay in that medium is to be completely present in what one is doing and doing it consciously. We can say that mindfulness and meditation go hand in hand and helps in drawing a clear line between what we want and don’t want in our lives.
Building a positive self-image:
People who have a positive self-image about themselves are already on the verge of awakening their consciousness. Our ideas and perception of ourselves change from day to day and from moment to moment. Our self-image is the most changing thing that we have and it is utterly vulnerable to many changes in our life. The best way to remember what matters the most to us and to forget the things that we are vulnerable for is by creating and maintaining a positive self-image. And by keeping our self-image active and positive, it is possible to awaken our consciousness and keep it awake for a long time.
Seek truth in life:

All those who wish to raise and awaken their consciousness should be a genuine truth seeker. No one can seek enlightenment while being opposed to reality simultaneously. But a vast majority of us are not truth-seekers but are approval seekers. We seek pleasure and comfort in our lives and not the truth and care very less about truth. A truth seeker should be willing to follow the evidence, no matter where it leads, no matter if it is uncomfortable or inconvenient. To awaken the consciousness one has to change theirs believes every single day without hesitation or resistance if the evidence demands it.
Final Words:
We have to be open in admitting that the mind is using us and we are unconsciously identified with it. It is almost true that we are possessed by our minds, without we know it. The beginning of freedom and the awakening of consciousness is to realize that we are not possessing the mind and help it to activate our consciousness. The moment we start watching the mind, a higher level of consciousness gets activated.
Workshop Conducted by Dr Sujata Singhi:

“Conscious Living with the Power of Sound”
Dr Sujata Singhi is a Doctorate in Sound and Spiritual Sciences and has been conducting a battery of such workshops across various countries in person. During the pandemic, take the opportunity to access the workshops in the comfort of your homes at almost 90% discount
Improve your life. Step up from awakeness to living consciously. Life is about living a purpose deliberately. Learn the various scientifically and spiritually addressed processes in this wonderous workshop of “Conscious Living”.
About the Author:

Author of the International bestseller book” Power of Sound”, next upcoming book, “Reclaim your Riches”, Doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, International trainer of Sound Therapies, Motivational and Keynote Speaker Certified Life and Transformation Coach, Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer, Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.
In this time of the global pandemic, she has been conducting various online workshops in the field of Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, certifications and many more series of workshops for wellness, relationships and financial health which are experiential and attended by people from across the world. Do check the website under upcoming events for the schedule of each of these workshops