The previous few weeks have without a doubt been the greatest disturbance to ‘ordinary’ life that the vast majority of us have ever seen. It’s the million-dollar question and more than ever we’re confronted with genuine vulnerability and an update that while we like to make up bunches of rules as a general public, eventually we don’t actually control what is happening.

Meditation in Uncertain Times!

➔  The initial phase in meditation is the need to figure out how to provide guidance to your consideration as opposed to allowing it to pull you everywhere. This is an ability that can serve you from multiple points of view in external life as well, such as tuning into arrangements rather than issues. Picking what we put our attention on is so significant right now as that is the thing that is driving our emotions.

➔  Secondly, meditation requires a profound acquiescence, you can’t ‘do’ contemplation. Meditation procedures get you in a specific way and afterward, you let go. The more we go for mediation, the more we permit it to work through us and give us bits of knowledge, expectation, and motivation. This frees us up to groundbreaking thoughts, potential outcomes, and arrangements.

➔  Thirdly, every time we go into meditation we are entering the unknown. In tantra, we consider it the void. The English meaning of ‘void’ makes it sound unfilled, however, the space we enter in reflection is loaded with energy, potential, frequencies, and conceivable outcomes that our human faculties can’t see. The more we enter this obscure in reflection and become OK with it, the more it uncovers itself to us.

As you begin to develop your meditation practice you start to understand that there is such a lot of potential that you can take advantage of. You truly feel and experience that we are more than actual creatures and our reality is more than material.

‘Meditation is a long-lasting excursion uncovering to us the mysteries of life and the best excursion ever’.

 About the Author:

Dr. Sujata Singhi

Author of the International bestseller book” Power of Sound”, next upcoming book, “Reclaim your Riches”, Doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, International trainer of Sound Therapies, Motivational and Keynote Speaker Certified Life and Transformation Coach, Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer, Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

In this time of the global pandemic, she has been conducting various online workshops in the field of Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, certifications, and many more series of workshops for wellness, relationships, and financial health which are experiential and attended by people from across the world. Do check the website under upcoming events for the schedule of each of these workshops

