Spiritual Human Evolution

Humans evolved to be intelligent. The human brain let to social thinking, develops abstract thoughts, and reacts emotionally. Do you know the direct cause of spirituality? The human brain leads to spirituality. It is natural to believe in spirituality. Do you know the number of people worldwide trusting in spirituality? 

About 84% or 6 billion of the global population believe in spirituality. The count may increase in the coming years. The survey reveals that about 90% of adults in the US believe in spiritual force or higher power. Spirituality in humans is a belief. 

What is spiritual human evolution?

Do you know what is being spiritual and spirituality? Spirituality is searching and feeling the deepest core of our existence. Spirituality is real and not any faith-based paradigm. To attain spirituality, humans follow a definite hypothesis and feel them employing techniques like meditation. 

Necessities to achieve spiritual human evolution

Do you need superior intellect or abundant knowledge to accomplish spirituality? No, there aren’t any criteria or qualifications. Age or background is not a criterion to experience the feel of spirituality. The only way to attain spirituality is through hard work, persistence, maturity, and following the appropriate pyramid process. 

Reaching the apex or top of the pyramid is challenging. Nature challenges every individual. We all know that climbing the top of the mountain isn’t easy for everyone. Hence and inner urge, desire, and motivation are mandatory for human spirituality. 

Spiritual evolution in humans is a subtle personality enhancement paradigm with an inner urge as a driving force. Individuals seeking spirituality mandates introspection and experimentation with self. 

Is spirituality knowledge or experience?

There are times where the accumulation of knowledge complicates the spiritual evolution journey. People attaching to science or logic may seem to evade spirituality and enter unchartered territory. 

Spirituality is an experiencing paradigm rather than viewing it as a knowledge-based process. It is not the learning and reading that helps you feel and reach the state of consciousness. In the same manner, good behaviour or self-improvement knowledge can never lead you to the door of spirituality. Spirituality is exhibiting and feeling the good character qualities innately.

Spiritual evolution has a positive effect on society. People understand, become more positive, patient, and peaceful. It is not intelligence and smartness that makes the world pleasant and a better place. Hence, achieving spiritual progress is necessary for the world to make it a better place. 


What is Spirituality?

To attain spirituality, we must know what spirituality is. Spirituality is well-known as Adhyatma is Sanskrit. The god principle and true nature within each of us is our soul. The soul is the chief component of our intelligent body. The soul is also a small part of the supreme god principle. The characteristics are absolute consciousness (chit), Truth (Sat), and Bliss (Anand). 

The soul is eternally in a blissful state and is unaffected by happiness and unhappiness happening in life. The natural state of our soul is to be blissful, and we long to be in that state. These stand to be the key reason we hunt for happiness and long for things that makes us happy. Presently strain and stress are part of modern life, making happiness to be fleeting and elusive. 

The journey of spirituality assists you in understanding, identifying, and experiencing the soul’s nature. The expansive science about ways to be blissful is through spirituality. 

Attaining spirituality 

By reading this, you have already attained the spark for the journey of spirituality. The achievement of self-improvement is possible with spirituality alone. Every individual already has the ignition to achieve spiritual evolution. 

It is a necessity to concentrate on higher state and experience.

Though understanding and reading assist you, humans must realize the higher state through meditation. Meditation is the actual pathway to reach a higher state. Opting for uncomplicated and manageable methods is better rather than going for complicated techniques. A sincere and routine approach like meditation is best to understand spirituality rather than looking for tedious processes. Instead of mastering something, letting things go is better.

By surrendering yourself, you excel in meditation and reap the best results. Always measure your inner feeling instead of moderating external behaviour. Find if your understanding and patient within. Find if you’re less agitated and peaceful within. These measurements show if you’re progressing towards spirituality or not.

Follow the path of experienced spiritualists and learn from them. Such collective knowledge works magic. Always be consistent and persistent in whatever you do to reach spirituality. Being patient and thinking long term leads you to spirituality. Never evaluate spiritual paths or spirituality. Being true helps you understand your inner self. 

Importance of spirituality

Irrespective of our origin and religion, experiencing happiness and peace is vital in life. Spiritual evolution has paved the way and led to attaining pureness, cheerfulness, and peace. There are times humans experience unhappiness due to issues in life. It is due to psychological or physical reasons that have a spiritual root cause. 

Some spiritual issues like departed ancestor’s problems, destiny (karma), and stress are due to negative energies. All chief life events such as major illness, serious accidents, good and bad relationships, and marriage are due to human’s destiny. Hence a spiritual solution or spiritual help is mandatory to help gain a solution to such issues. By practising spirituality, individuals gain relief from psychological and spiritual problems.

The spiritual human evolution started ages ago. People who realized that spirituality is a transcending journey of intellect, mind, five senses, and experiencing the soul followed spirituality and preached others too. They favoured the society by taking authority of the subject in attaining god-realization.

Final thoughts 

Following genuine spiritualists and progressing spirituality in the right way leads to the growth of spirituality presently and in the future. It is evident to follow universal principles and laws to attain spirituality. Humans immersed themselves in spiritual practice to eradicate the negative energies in life. 

For individuals desiring to start their spiritual journey can initiate by following authentic spiritual groups available these days. Get started and involve yourself in spirituality, pass on to our younger generation to helps spirituality grow. 

Dr. Sujata Singhi is a Sound and Spiritual Scientist and has conducted more than 300 workshops, talks, interviews online during the pandemic. The Metaphysical Science of Money Manifestation was conducted on 7-8 November. The upcoming workshop is on Vedic Manifestation Vibrations.

Those interested to know more, can visit the website for upcoming sessions, visit the youtube channel to listen to a few of the talks and sessions.

Wishing all the readers a very happy, healthy and prosperous Diwali.

About the Author:

Dr Sujata Singhi

Author of the International bestseller book” Power of Sound”, next upcoming book, “Reclaim your Riches”, Doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, International trainer of Sound Therapies, Motivational and Keynote Speaker Certified Life and Transformation Coach, Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer, Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

In this time of the global pandemic, she has been conducting various online workshops in the field of Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, certifications and many more series of workshops for wellness, relationships and financial health which are experiential and attended by people from across the world. Do check the website under upcoming events for the schedule of each of these workshops

Visit: www.sujatasinghi.com
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