It is often said that what goes around comes around. If you are a firm beliver in Karma, you might know that Karma gets carried over between lifetimes. Therefore, you might have some karmic debt from previous lives that you need to resolve in this one. Fortunately, once you understand your karmic obligations, you can take the appropriate steps to balance them.

Life is all about solving the karmic debt our souls have accumulated over our lives on Earth. We build relationships and contracts that are inherently karmic. This means that our relationships exist as a way of learning new things to heal from past trauma. We continue to live in Karmic relationships until our debt is paid off, after which we transcend into permanent situations.

Karmic relationships can be family situations,romantic relationships, roommate situations, or work situations. We are put in these situations to be the best version of ourselves.

Concept Of Karma

The basic concept of Karma is that positive actions get you positive outcomes and vice versa. Therefore, if we want to improve our financial wellbeing, we have to make positive financial decisions rather than negative ones.

Karma And Money

Those who believe that they don’t need to plan their finances as it will be “divinely provided” almost always find themselves in financial trouble and rely on others to solve their problems.

They might also get a temporary fix by getting a high-interest loan from others without respecting the effort they put in to earn the money they’re lending.The inconsiderate and relaxed behaviour towards money will only lead to a cycle of financial troubles that can take an entire lifetime to solve.

On the other hand, people who plan all financial expenses are ready for unforeseen situations. Therefore, they don’t have to scramble for cash when in trouble. They are always cheerful and blessed with good fortune due to their financial organization.

Karma is often the amalgamation of past actions – good or bad – and their effects on our present and future. It affects our career, health,personal finance, or relationships. Understanding your karmic influences on finance is essential to personal financial planning.

The foundation is based on the fact that it is important to understand your values and integrate them into your financial decisions when trying to become financially successful. While our lives are better with our financial plans written out, karmic forces influence our daily money flow.

How the Karmic forces affect us depends on our gratitude towards money and our habits, our behaviours surrounding our financial upbringing, unresolved past traumas, and our financial goals.

Making negative financial choices without carefully considering the consequences will only add to your pain and karmic debt instead of resolving it. Money earned illegally from medical malpractice, selling counterfeit products, smuggling, and other get-rich-schemes do not last long.

Additionally, not paying the money back, lying about product benefits, using unethical means to get rid of competition, using bribes to seal deals, and evading tax are actions that attract negative Karma.

Other actions that can accumulate your karmic debt include delayed bill payments, building up massive credit card debts, and making impulsive decisions about temporary financial benefits.

Positive Karma, on the other hand, is gained by being wise and frugal with your money, along with actions that benefit many. Money has to be taken care of for it to take care of you.  Living in one’s means signifies prioritising needs over wants, repaying debts, saving for unforeseen situations, regularly donating to charities, and advocating for the needs of minorities.

Karmic positive forces overcome negative forces, so it is essential to do as many positive deeds as possible as evil forces can pile up and cause misfortunes. The key to gaining good financial Karma is using control, discipline, and order in our daily lives.

We are the creators of our destiny. So, the progress of our financial lives is our responsibility. We have to put in our daily efforts and accumulate positive energy as we create and control our karmic forces.  The way we treat and spend our money is going to affect our economic destinies.

About The Author:

Dr.Sujata Singhi, the international bestseller “Power of Sound”, has written a new book called “Reclaim your riches”. With a doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, she is an international trainer of Sound therapies, a Motivational and Keynote speaker, a certified Life and Transformation Coach. Her other achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer and being the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

During the pandemic, Dr.Sujata Singhi conducted virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, and Certifications. All of her workshops are about wellness, relationships, and financial health. Check our website for more information on workshop schedules.

How To Reclaim Your Riches

In this book by Dr.Sujata Singhi, explores the secrets of raising vibrations for becoming a “manifestor” and gaining the ability to live an eternally magnetic life filled with joy and complete freedom. It manages to transform your life by giving you access to obvious information with a new perspective. Getting a holistic approach to ancient and scientifically proven methods can help you “reclaim your riches” and find the happiness you crave.

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