Energy is all around us, and money is no exception. Like many of us, if you believe in the power of manifestation, you know that money carries energy. When we make and use money, there is an inevitable exchange of value and information. There is significant energy in value.

This process is generally called the cycle cash flow. However, if you change your perspective, you can recognise the Money Energy Cycle™ (MEC). How we view our money depends on our MECs and how they empower us. It has to align with our spiritual and intuitive wisdom of alignment and balance.

The MEC approach is new and addresses your spendings and numbers; it also balances your life. We are often told a story about our finances as a child that affects how we look at money as adults. These views can depend on our personal experiences or others’ belief systems.

As children and even adults, we are malleable and allow external factors to affect our worldview, including money. Whether it is how we were raised, the media, or other’s opinions, we have many external influences affecting how we handle our money or our ‘financial blueprint’. We tell ourselves this ‘story’ when building our relationship with money throughout our lives.

Money is value as energy.

“Money is the visible sign of a universal force in its manifestation and is indispensable to the fullness of the outer life. In its origin and its true action, it belongs to the divine.” — Sri Aurobindo.

Similar to a calorie, a dollar is quite simply a value of energy. There is nothing more or less to it. We know that money has a transferrable value and also assigns different forms of value to people.

The MEC is the methodology of how people work with money flows personally. We can figure out how people treat money with how they treat themselves. The value of oneself is transferred into the world and cash.

Money spent often comes back to us with the original value we assigned to it. The cycle goes on when saving, lending, investing, repaying debts, or spending money. The process of paying forward affects others’ MECs.

3 Ways To Improve Your Money Energy Flow

When you have unpaid and overdue bills, it can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook on money. However, if you have financial troubles, remember the core principle of manifestation: Whatever you pay attention to grows and comes back to you.

Therefore, if you tend to focus on your lack of money or worries associated with it, it’ll only grow and come back to haunt you. There are a few ways you can control and increase your money energy flow.

1) Focus On Positive Energy

When situations unravel quickly, the critical aspect is to focus on what you can control. Focus on these aspects and appreciate your energy and your will to do things that benefit you. If you want to enjoy your future fully, you have to focus on what you have now and practice gratitude. When you focus on positives, you remove the negative energy that could harm your manifestation process. Focus on the bills you can pay and choose to focus on a more realistic approach ahead.

2) Practice Gratitude

When you practice daily gratitude, you become aware of how full your life is and the value of objects and people you were unaware of before. There is value in every transaction – monetary or otherwise – and it can enhance your worries. Sitting down with your emotions and understanding where you came from and where you’re going can change everything.

3) Visualise Abundance And Wealth

When you act like your life is already complete and that you have everything you could need, your worldview can shift dramatically. You manifest your contentedness and see it everywhere. It can make your life abundant. The universe gives you more of the energy you project onto the world. Therefore, if you want more wealth, be generous and share what you can.


The unconsciousness about money can prove why your life is not what you envisioned. As we become more aware of money and its value, we question our worldly perspectives and expectations. While ignoring this value can be devastating, all you need to do is focus your positive energy on what you can control in life and practice gratitude daily.

About Author:

Dr. Sujata Singhi The author of the international bestseller “Power of Sound”, has written a new book called “Reclaim your riches”. She has a doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, is an international trainer of Sound Therapies, and Motivational and Keynote Speaker Certified Life and Transformation Coach. Her other achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer, and is the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

During the pandemic, Dr. Sujata Singhi conducted virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, and certifications. All of her workshops revolve around wellness, relationships, and financial health. Check our website for more information on workshop schedules.

How To Reclaim Your Riches

In a book written by Dr Sujata Singhi, she explores the secrets of becoming a “manifestor” and gaining the ability to live an eternally magnetic life filled with joy and complete freedom.

This book manages to transform your life by giving you access to obvious information with a new perspective. Getting a holistic approach to ancient, time-tested, and scientifically proven methods can help you “reclaim your riches” and find the contentedness you crave.

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