The spirituality

Spirituality is not limited to one concept but has a broad idea that creates a connection more significant than ourselves. It is a search that leads to finding the real meaning of life. It is a sacred practice connecting your soul and the human body to keep you alive. Some see a spiritual connection in temples, churches, or mosques. Some people associate with art or nature and experience spirituality. Others may find it the communication with Universe that enables a supreme power. 

Participation and observation are the two aspects of the spiritual journey. It also relates to the emotional health of the person who cultivates positivity. It can even diverse the way you look into life and emotions. Acceptance, emotions, contentment, and peace are the parts of emotional health. 

Participation in spiritual growth

Participation helps the individual to connect with the Universe. It creates a sense of faith in the person. To every individual, involvement leads to nurturing and recognizing the spiritual fruit. Confidence comes from activities, and activities start with participation. Hence, participation natures the faith in one human being. 

Participation leads the Universe to provide compassion in the hearts and even motivates us to live a sacrificing life with generosity. Participation occurs when an individual comes out of the comfort zone and leaves mundane daily activities; when a person takes a step back from social status and measures safety and security, that is when they become more aware of the Universe and self. 

Participating in activities that may be a small task but that you have never done before will make you more accustomed to the work beyond your comfort zone. First, the sacrificial service will involve one’s vision to tell stories of the experiences. Then, through prayers, teachings, and preaching, one can participate and share experiences. 

Engagement in a group activity is another aspect of participation. It creates interpersonal bonding that will lead to spiritual exploration. Doing service for others has more impact on receiving spiritual highness. Faith and action have a connecting dot, and one can link the dot only with participation in self-reflection. When one achieves the reflection of oneself, personal transformation becomes successful. It channelizes the spiritual guidance that helps you lead the life your inner self wants. 

Dr. Sujata Singhi taking the sessions

Observation in spiritual growth

Observation is a skill that we possess be even use in all aspects of our lives. From our birth, we observe and then act. Looking is just seeing, but observation has more depth than looking into things. With the art of observation, the individual has the power to improve their behavior. It brings emotional reactions and even helps us respond to the events in life. 

To become a detached observer, you must pause the things happening around you. Be in your mental room where you can be calm, peaceful, and accessible. There are no worries, materialistic bliss, and pressure. You can observe things in their original form. You let your soul peep where there is no judgment and no analysis. You are the observer, and you be at peace with yourself. 

You observe things, humans, and worldly pleasure as they come and go. They are no more permanent. Observation through your soul keeps you detached from worrying, allowing things to flow and not to hold them. As a result, there is complete vibration of peace all around you. 

Observation power comes through meditation, and mindfulness meditation is a mainstream practice that psychologists and wellness coaches like; for example, Dr. Sujata Singhi also believes in meditation. Her international seminars are powerful, tell a story and help you find the real purpose of life. 

In mindfulness mediation- sit down, close your eyes and focus on breathing. As you do and bring all your senses to breathing, you might notice random thoughts are coming. In mindfulness mediation, one has to allow these thoughts to come and go without passing any judgment or holding them back. It’s okay if ideas come; shift, let them give, and again focus on breathing. The main aim is to bring mental awareness and observe the present experience deeply.

Meditation allows self-observation and creates a safe space without any judgment. It offers insight into the emotions, boosts your confidence, helps you focus and observe every detail in and around you, and even improves your relationship. 

Wrapping up

Both participation and observation help you attain the spiritual goal. It is only possible when you focus on both concepts with mind and soul. They are the soul-searching process that helps you understand the real purpose of your life and helps you attain inner peace. From day one of your life, you are involved in both aspects- participation, and observation. Today, it makes you more conscious and gives all your energies to connect with Universe and be a part of the spiritual journey. 

About Dr.Sujata Singhi 

Dr. Sujata Singhi, is a Bestselling Author, licensed NLP trainer, Wealth and Wellness Coach, corporate leadership trainer, TEDx speaker, and Sound and Spiritual scientist. Author of the international bestseller and awarded book, “Power of Sound”, which earned her the title of, “Boon to mankind” by the Hon. President of India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee during his tenure in May 2017. She has also written books,” Cut the Crap” and recently launched her new book called “Reclaim your riches” and it is a NO.1 Best Seller on Amazon. This book has also been awarded. She has been conferred with 5 doctorates and a D.Litt in specialized areas of Sound and Music as therapy, NLP, Spiritual Sciences, Science of Wellness, Happiness and Humanities. She is also a youth transformation and Prosperity Coach as a nation builder. Her other achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer and the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”. 

During the pandemic, Dr. Singhi conducted 307 virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Meditations, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, and Certifications. All of her workshops revolve around wellness, relationships, and financial health. She was awarded the Ashok Stumbh, Gem of India and various other national and international awards for her contribution to mankind. 

She is also an international meditation expert having guided thousands of people across the globe on effective meditation and has witnessed miraculous results in health, wealth, relationships and spiritual evolvement. She has been referred as a guru by her participants. Spiritual retreats for the same are led by her internationally. 

Check on for upcoming training and events. 

How To Reclaim your Riches 

In this book by Dr. Sujata Singhi, explores the secrets of “Manifesting” and achieving the ability to Live a Magnetic Life filled with complete joy and freedom. It manages to transform your life by giving you access to clear information with a new perspective. 

Learning the holistic approach to ancient, time-tested, and scientifically proven methods can help you “Reclaim your Riches” and find contentedness. 

BONUSES: 3 guided processes recorded by the author are given free in the book. Use the QR code shared in the book to access the powerful guided process-driven meditations worth 9,000/- totally free. 

Book your copy on: 

