In the present era, every task is modest, but it is the toughest to be modest. The foremost phase of religion gives a sagacity of simplicity and Sattvikta. Many individuals say that it has been a long time since they went to their place of worship and did follow the rituals, but life did not come calmly. For this, it is vital that the individual makes his goal that no matter what the condition is, do not be side-tracked by the clarity and simplicity of thoughts. Those who lead delightful lives even under adverse conditions are traversing on the path of truth.
The Three Gunas-Sattvikta, Tamas & Rajas
Sattvikta is the value of nature that conveys poise, amity, concentration and clearness. It is one of the 3 elusive qualities or ‘gunas’ that occur in all of nature. The other two things are rajas and tamas. Rajas is the equivalent of vigour, drive and change that creates a disparity in life, while tamas is the equivalent of strength, substance and stagnancy that generates inertia. If we desire to be well or to uphold good physical and mental well-being then turning towards a sattvic life is a crucial component in this course.
An extremely rajasic individual is tremendously focused on doing, attaining and reaching places, their lifestyle archetypal of contemporary fast-paced society. Over time, too much energy is lost and this type of lifestyle causes strain, exhaustion and often pain from aggrandizement. A highly tamasic person, conversely, is slow-moving, heavy, sluggish and often unhappy. Mental monotony and an absence of energy instigated by a lifestyle of also too much apathy or too much involvement in conclusion results in exhaustion. Therefore, rajas can every now and then lead to tamas.
Rājasik and Tāmasik lives perpetually are laden with sadness, outlooks and inferior quality of existence. It is imperative to note that it is not just one action that helps or spoils the sattvikta but that every action adds to it. Purity is a divine quality. The soul is pure and sacred integrally and hence the opinions, behaviour and intent of a soulful person are at all times consecrated and lovely.
Individuals should always be mindful of the inner self, along with that of heart and passion. It is the cleanliness of one’s inner self (mind) that makes him the well-intentioned, gentle, considerate and cultured of all. The purity of the inner self motivates human beings to be intelligible, moderate and controlled in life, which provides for a healthy life with endurance. His senses are firm and sturdy. The senses are driven by your inner self, the spirit. It is the spirit that desires for the good and the bad, the consequence of which is felt by the physical body too.

Importance of Sattvikta lifestyle
So, every individual should aim for Sattvikta to poise, harmonise themselves with nature, and to remain energised and vigorous. A sattvic person has mental lucidity and is pure in views, words, and activities. They don’t overwork like the rajasic individual and aren’t indolent like the tamasic individual. Yet as humans and portion of nature, we all partake all three gunas within us. It actually depends on which we choose to cultivate, along with our normal tendencies rendering to our own body type. Humans should attempt to stay consecrated and pure complete and thorough. It is one’s golly that harbours contentment. Virtuousness holds the peace of mind, composure, prestige and truth. Consciousness, awareness, elegance, integrity, cleanliness, simplicity and virtuousness are the manifestations of sacredness.
In actuality, all favourable surroundings for good action have to have roughly the element of sāttviktā. For example, noisy settings will have a complex element of Raja and Tama elusive elementary components. The extra the sattvikta, the more constructive the environment for all-inclusive well-being and sustainable development. Therefore, all destructive environments for good activity have Raja and Tama elements.
The importance of a sattvik lifestyle cannot be exaggerated. Just as the physical elements for instance wind, weather, pollution, etc. move us on a daily base the spiritual occurrences produced from the setting and our activities also affect us. Even though most individuals cannot observe subtle frequencies due to a absence of intuition ability, they though slightly disturb us all the time at a physical, intellectual and spiritual level.
How Do We Attain Sattvikta?
Human beings need self-check, severity, moral forte, and virtue. If somebody does not possess all these traits, then he is not solemn of human life. One only gets the value of it when he progresses knowledgeably and works for the perfection of his usual character. Nothing can be realized out of pomp and pretence. Despite leading to opponents, mock and hypocrisy is predominant. Individuals genuine in their words and actions are the persons whose heart harbour devoutness and dedication. These are the persons capable of making the lives virtuous and pure by husking away the ‘Tamasik’ (immoral) and patronizing conduct of others, by refining Sattvikta an earnest life is reached only through such purity and inviolability.
In unification to the physical and mental transparency, spirituality is vital, because, without it, humans cannot be successful in achieving the major goal of life. It is the Spiritual holiness that divulges the feeling of truth, love, piety, sympathy, generosity, benevolence, and hence consults divinity into our lives. Individuals often have a mixture of tamas and rajas. Spiritual meditation aids the development of Sattvikta.
Meditation has been in practice for thousands of years and it still is everything. It is considered one of the chief spiritual practices of all times and helps in developing our deep thoughts and in cleansing the mind for better. Dr Sujatha Singhi conducts workshops that aim individuals to decline stress, tension, worry, and apprehension. It helps to see and see more clearly and in soothing the mind. We all know it is easy and lucrative to fish in a clear pond. Likewise, if the mind is strong, it is likely to think obviously and make clear decisions.
About the Author: Dr Sujata Singhi

Author of the International bestseller book” Power of Sound”, next upcoming book, “Reclaim your Riches”, Doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, International trainer of Sound Therapies, Motivational and Keynote Speaker Certified Life and Transformation Coach, Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer, Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.
In this time of the global pandemic, she has been conducting various online workshops in the field of Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, certifications and many more series of workshops for wellness, relationships and financial health which are experiential and attended by people from across the world. Do check the website under upcoming events for the schedule of each of these workshops.
In the upcoming book, “Reclaim your Riches”, pre-launch bookings have begun.