When it comes to portraying multi-religious spirit and unity, India is a trendsetting land. The people of this country respect each other’s spiritual backgrounds. They feel at ease when they indulge in occasions and celebrations of different communities and origins. Things have transformed since the days of our first descendants. Spirituality as we know it today perhaps evolved from individuals to families to villages and to cultures. Many cultures emerged with diverse versions of what it predestined to be alive, each appealing in the process.

This positivity seems possible because people have great faith in their gods and show admiration for all religious interests. Indian temples and festivals are a glimpse of spirituality, divinity, deep-rooted religious practices, interesting rituals and accompanying local art from different parts of India. It is a miracle to witness that pilgrims are very willing to travel long distances to temples and participate in festivals in terrible terrain to pray to the Almighty.

Indian Festivals Are Spirituality Motivators

It is almost certain that Hindu festivals are extensive than any other religious custom, and there are considerable regional and sect differences. Festivals are usually a time of celebration and commemoration. The other purpose is to create a unique atmosphere to divert thoughts from worldly concerns and happily focus on spiritual issues. It creates an environment full of auspiciousness and natural gifts that evoke the soul’s natural qualities. It gives people spiritual motivation and inspiration to help them complete their daily work. It matches the natural tendency of celebration with the spiritual goal. It builds a healthy sense of fitting by serenely bringing together individuals, relations and communities.

Hindu festivals are an amalgamation of religious formalities, semi-ritual presentations, worship, prayers, illustrations, parades, music and dancing, eating, drinking, making love, sensuality, feeding the poor, and other religious or traditional activities. The original intention of these activities is to purify, avoid evil, renew society, critical bridge moments, and stimulate or revive the vitality of Nature. Because Hindu festivals are connected to the repeated life of Nature, they should be prevented from festering. These periodic festivals can last for many days and continue to be illustrious throughout India.

These festivals refresh the partakers, cultivate awareness of their power, and help counteract their fear and vulnerability to natural forces. This mix of worship and entertainment requires the entire community’s participation and creates harmony among its members, even if not all contemporary participants are aware of the original characteristics of the festival. There are also countless celebrations celebrating specific gods, marked by various temples, ethnic and religious groups.

Indian culture differs due to its vast geography. People speak different languages, dress differently, believe in other religions, eat different foods but have the same temperament. Therefore, whether it is a joyous moment or a painful moment, people participate wholeheartedly, feeling happiness or pain. Holidays or celebrations are by no means confined to one family or one family. The entire community or neighbourhood participates in adding interest to an occasion.

Temples As Source of Energy

In a temple, one can see many idols of different Gods, which the disciples worship. The Hindu Gods and Goddesses are part of mythical tales or Puranas, which are tremendously popular amongst the masses. There are several temples all over India in diverse sizes, shapes and sites, but not all of them are well-thought-out to be built the Vedic way. In ancient times, a temple should be positioned at a place where the earth’s magnetic wave path permits through thickly. How the energy proportion of a home was measured is unknown, but keeping in mind our ancient saints lost advanced science essentials, they would have figured a way out!

A look at the ancient history of India and its temples will reveal the basic science and purpose behind temple architecture. The temple is far from being a place of prayer or worship and powerful space where people can absorb the energy of dedication. Most temples were formed to address explicit aspects of life and therefore were dedicated to activating one or two specific chakras, the primary energy centres within the human system.

Importance of Festivals and Temples in Today’s World

In India, spirituality and religion are a slice of an individual’s daily life. Personal devout beliefs, rituals and temple reverence have formed the most remarkable buildings. India is famous for its rich historical and cultural heritage. Every dynasty that ruled on the land of India has left its mark in the form of architectural wonders, which have now become phenomena witnessed by the world. From north to south and east to west, each state shines with different temples, gurdwaras, mosques, cloisters, and churches, many of which are declared heritage due to their ancient and craftsmanship. If you do not consider the beauty and prosperity of these architectural sites, any visit to India will be incomplete.

With the increasing complexity of life today, people are always looking to gain inner peace. This is where another science comes into play, meditation and spirituality. Meditation and Yoga are equivalent to India and Indian spirituality. Yoga is measured by many to be the primogenital natural science, training the laws of Nature and familiarising them with the humanoid art of living. Meditation is one of the most vital components of Yoga, which is mind-body healing involving a series of exercises.

The term “meditation” covers many different practices, from imagining situations, focusing on objects or images, thinking about complex ideas, and even getting lost in a provocative book, all of which belong to the broad sense of meditation. However, in Yoga, meditation typically refers to the more proper practice, focusing on the present and observing yourself. Many individuals from India and overseas turn to Yoga and meditation to reduce stress and revitalize their minds.

Dr Sujata Singhi conducts training programs of various levels to enable people to take up sound and music therapy as a healing mode. She even conducts individual consultations for people of all walks of life and across all ages. She conducts training programs across India and various other parts of the world.

About the author:

Dr. Sujata Singhi is an Author, TEDx Speaker, Certified Life and Business Coach, Sound and Spiritual Scientist, Multi Record Holder honoured in various countries.  She has transformed more than 5,00,000 lives globally in the past 25+ years on a mission to spread Joyous Living with the Power of Sound and spiritual sciences for Mental and Emotional Wellness-Peace and Prosperity.

She comes with a rich experience of 25+ years of experience, trained in 30+ healing modalities like Reiki, Pranik, Access bars, Shamanism, Mahavastu to name a few.

Recipient of various national and international awards in the capacity of an Author, Thought Leader, Transformation Influencer and Social Activist. Concept of her book, “Power of Sound” was titled “Boon to Mankind” by Hon. President of India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee in May 2017 during his tenure.

Been conferred with 5 Doctorates in the fields of Sound and Spiritual Sciences, Happiness and Wellbeing, Life Skill Education with Specialization in Sound and NLP, Humanities, Founder MERT (Music and Emotion Release Therapies) and conferred doctorate in the same.

Conferred with a D.Litt. in Musical Arts accredited by Cambridge Distance Education (UK)

Founder of Divine Soul Sound- Institute of Sound and Spiritual Sciences

International Speaker on various forums under the United Nations with regards to Health and wellness, environment, gender equality and World Peace.

As a researchist, she has been appointed as the Hon. Board Member at the IJBST an MIL of UNESCO and EDIXIO board, India and USA for Science of Wellness and Happiness

She is a Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian and a philanthropist who works towards uplifting mankind through wellness and education

She conducts training and workshops on Sound and Spiritual Sciences, Soul Awakening retreats across various countries and has had participants from over 27+ countries to date.

She is also an expert with regards to Corporate Trainings in the fields of wellness and self-leadership.


Her books are available on:

Amazon.in: https://amzn.to/2YQIIhf

Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3vPLIH1

Visit : https://www.sujatasinghi.com/

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Link of the Tedx Talk:
