Just as the basic concepts of language and meaning have evolved over time, so have the philosophy and understanding of health, rehabilitation, and the human body. This knowledge did not develop overnight. The development of multiple forms of language takes thousands of years to convey technology to future generations. Even so, it also involves teaching aids, including religious rituals and offerings, rather than language. This element of divinity or spirituality is contained in our philosophical system and penetrates our political-social and cultural life, our art, literature, music, painting, architecture, and sculpture.

There are many ways to communicate and teach. In ancient times, the teachings of the masters were supported by different forms of practical aids, which were usually based on rituals, pious hymns, mantras, and yantras through sacred geometry. Teaching aids help us better understand the terminology and spiritual teachings of ancient India, and are called “Vedic knowledge” by the mainstream.

Traditional Philosophy

Although there are six traditional systems of Indian philosophy, namely: Sankhya-Yoga, Nyaya-Vaisheshik and Purva Mimansa-Uttar Mimansa (Vedant), the philosophies of Yoga and Vedant have survived so far. The three unorthodox philosophies are Buddhism, Jainism and Charvak philosophy. Vedanta’s philosophy is based on the spiritual dialogue of the Upanishads. The great Adi Shankaracharya wrote his detailed review of Bhashya’s ten primary Upanishads in it. The Upanishads deal mainly with questions about absolute reality (Brahman), individual souls (Atman), and God (Ishwara).

Adi Shankaracharya proposed his Advait Vedant or non-dualism philosophy, which many consider one of the greatest philosophers of all time. Many people think he is a more outstanding philosopher than Kant and Hegel. Ramayana and Mahabharata are two epic poems in India. They are deeply rooted in the minds of Indians. They are the epitome of moral values ​​and symbolize the victory of Dharma and truth over evil and immorality. The Bhagavad Gita is part of the Mahabharata, the highest philosophy of action and renunciation, or selfless work.

Ancient Spiritual Traditions

In particular, the ancient Hindu tradition follows a perfect guru-disciple tradition, in which secret and potent mantras and actual sacred knowledge are passed from the guru to the few disciples he chooses through oral narration and telepathic techniques. Therefore, the interaction and participation of religion, especially Hinduism, has always been an essential factor in human narrative education and development.

Human beings are sacred, eternal, and capable of knowing and experiencing. Human life aims to integrate with the ultimate reality and the holy, live upright in a prescribed way, and escape from the world’s illusion. Death is a part of life, not the end of life. The moment of death is an opportunity for the ultimate transformation, Moksha. The analysis of these philosophical foundations can provide a background framework for understanding the spiritual needs of palliative care patients and their families and developing culturally appropriate methods to provide mental care at the end of life.

Without visual experience, it is difficult to understand and imagine the rich secrets, sacred knowledge, and rich myths contained in ancient Hindu spiritual traditions. The religious foundation is developed based on human narrative and commerce.

Emergence of Spirituality

India has always been the home of centuries-old temples; these temples are intricately carved from marble or solid rock walls, whether they are inhabited on steep hills, virgin forests, coastlines, or even in the middle of rivers. The architecture of this temple, an extensive database of texts written by priests and scholars of these temples’ traditions, and stone sculptures, which are imitative displays depicting ancient sacred legends, are the primary sources of information for contemporary people to learn and develop from literature. This guides our understanding of past spiritual science. The religious customs and worship of today’s Hindu communities are derived from these ancient customs.

There are 64 ancient forms of art and science, which correspond one-to-one from beginning to end and vice versa. Ancient teaching methods are based on education through these practical tools and learning from the real experience of ancient Indian teachers. These techniques and forms of scholarly communication have evolved into traditions. Traditional knowledge is sometimes considered unscientific and ignored, but it is very scientific! All these sciences are faithful to the scientific method, and their principles can be logically proven. This true knowledge continues to guide future generations to understand life in general. The classifications of 64 sciences are endless themes, which are actually ontology.

The main rituals are based on nature, seasons, sounds, light, spirituality, thoughts, fear, body and gender. Modern science and technology limit our life calendar and can only measure our journey from birth to death. This completely scientific method attempts to replace thousands of ancient alchemy practices as early as 4000 BC, tantric-based techniques, and medicines prepared by the outstanding enlightened masters of the ancient Hindu Siddha tradition. These medicines can cure medical problems Possible diseases, reversing ageing (or kaya-Kalpa vernacular) and extending the human life span to an alarming level.

For instance, if you’re feeling depressed, stressed, issues in the relationship, do not strive to battle with it, rather replenish with the positive image such as how your life should be by awakening your consciousness, which is innate in you.  Meditation has been practised for thousands of years, and it is still effective. It is considered one of the best spiritual practices in history, helping to awaken our deep thoughts and purify our hearts. Meditation is an effective way to reduce stress, tension, anxiety and worry. It helps to see and perceive more clearly and calm the mind. We all know that fishing in clear ponds is easy and profitable. In addition, if you have a clear mind, you can think clearly and make clear decisions.

India has always been the meeting point of several religions. Religion has been a central fixation of the Indian mind. Spirituality is the spirit of religion. True spirituality does not discard new light, even worldly means for human self-development. India can best develop herself and play the intended role in the present arena of universal forces by following the laws of nature.

About the author:

Dr. Sujata Singhi is an Author, TEDx Speaker, Certified Life and Business Coach, Sound and Spiritual Scientist, Multi Record Holder honoured in various countries.  She has transformed more than 5,00,000 lives globally in the past 25+ years on a mission to spread Joyous Living with the Power of Sound and spiritual sciences for Mental and Emotional Wellness-Peace and Prosperity.

She comes with a rich experience of 25+ years of experience, trained in 30+ healing modalities like Reiki, Pranik, Access bars, Shamanism, Mahavastu to name a few.

Recipient of various national and international awards in the capacity of an Author, Thought Leader, Transformation Influencer and Social Activist. Concept of her book, “Power of Sound” was titled “Boon to Mankind” by Hon. President of India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee in May 2017 during his tenure.

Been conferred with 5 Doctorates in the fields of Sound and Spiritual Sciences, Happiness and Wellbeing, Life Skill Education with Specialization in Sound and NLP, Humanities, Founder MERT (Music and Emotion Release Therapies) and conferred doctorate in the same.

Conferred with a D.Litt. in Musical Arts accredited by Cambridge Distance Education (UK)

Founder of Divine Soul Sound- Institute of Sound and Spiritual Sciences

International Speaker on various forums under the United Nations with regards to Health and wellness, environment, gender equality and World Peace.

As a researchist, she has been appointed as the Hon. Board Member at the IJBST an MIL of UNESCO and EDIXIO board, India and USA for Science of Wellness and Happiness

She is a Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian and a philanthropist who works towards uplifting mankind through wellness and education

She conducts training and workshops on Sound and Spiritual Sciences, Soul Awakening retreats across various countries and has had participants from over 27+ countries to date.

She is also an expert with regards to Corporate Trainings in the fields of wellness and self-leadership.


Her books are available on:

Amazon.in: https://amzn.to/2YQIIhf

Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3vPLIH1

Visit : https://www.sujatasinghi.com/

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Link to the TEDx Talk: