Those familiar with Karma and its machinations will also be familiar with the concept of Ānanda. Ānanda, or happiness in Indian mythology, is an essential aspect of being a Brahman.  In the Vedas and Upanishads, ānanda represents eternal bliss and the ending of the rebirth cycle.

Those who reject the consequences of their actions must finally submit themselves to God to end their life cycle, attain eternal bliss, and be united with God.  Those seeking to be one with God through love and devotion are called bhakthas or devotees.

Hinduism defines two kinds of happiness. One is attained from living a Good Life, personal achievements, and pleasure. The other type of happiness comes directly from God. This includes any financial happiness too.

What Do People Want?

Hinduism answers this question with four answers. According to Hinduism, life has four aims: Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. Artha and Kama signify the Good Life. Artha translates to “object, substance, thing,” but when viewed from a bird’s eye view connotates to achievement, fame, power, and finding meaning in life.

The Kama is the pleasure one derives out of life and includes intellectual and aesthetic pleasures. The kind of happiness that comes from success and joy alternates with unhappiness. However, Moksha refers to religious experience and peace beyond understanding. This happiness doesn’t change; it’s constant. Moksha is what humans strive for, and everyone has the potential to do so.

The key to attaining happiness is through Dharma. Dharma is the universal duty of all humans, regardless of caste, creed, education, race, gender, or social status. The best English proverb that defines Dharma is “The one universal duty of all human beings is the practice of virtue. By virtue is meant the cultivation of fellow feeling for our fellow beings and overcoming anti-feeling.”

How Does Dharma Correlate With Financial Manifestations?

Dharma and Karma are very closely related. Your Dharma affects the Karma your actions bring. It can either bring clarity or confusion. If you believe following the traditions are you completing your Dharma, it means that as long as you follow them and don’t mess with the status quo, you are a moral person.

However, many others might question Dharma, its meaning, and how it affects them personally. If you do this, it will be a cause for constant stress as you will feel left out if you don’t follow traditions. Karma, on the other hand, has a tally of all your actions.

Cycle of money

Money Manifestation workshop conducted by Dr. Sujata Singhi

In this workshop, a participant recovered 84 lakh rupees which were written off a few years ago and many other participants received different amounts of money and business opportunities.

Some believe if one’s good actions outweigh the bad, you are one step closer to Moksha, while others believe that every action needs to be balanced. If you do something good, it will return to you in your next life.

This is true of finances as well. If you earn and use your money wisely, you will be repaid in full. A great way to start the process is by understanding how manifestation works. When you ask the universe something from the bottom of your heart, it will try to get it for you.

This can be tricky as your manifestations need to be specific. For example, if you ask for a car in good condition, you might get one functioning but not good long-term or a car you don’t want at all. However, if you ask for a vehicle that has less than 300K miles on it, is a sedan, and has good trunk space, your search is narrowed.

To learn more about manifestation and to attain financial bliss, read Dr. Sujata Singhi’s new book “Reclaim Your Riches.”

Sujata Singhi

About The Author: Dr. Sujata Singhi

Sujata Singhi, the international bestseller “Power of Sound,” has written a new book called “Reclaim your riches.” With a doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, she is an international trainer of Sound therapies, a Motivational and Keynote speaker, a certified Life and Transformation Coach. Her other achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer and being the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound.”

During the pandemic, Dr. Singhi conducted virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, and Certifications. All of her workshops are about wellness, relationships, and financial health. Check our website for more information on workshop schedules.

Reclaim Your Riches This Diwali

As you know, Diwali is a time of wealth and prosperity. What better time to learn about manifesting wealth and financial independence into your life than Diwali? With Sujatha Singhi’s new book, learn to “Reclaim Your Riches” and live an eternally magnetic life filled with joy and complete freedom.

With Reclaim Your Riches, you can stay assured that you can transform your life with obvious information that gives you a new perception. A holistic approach to ancient and scientifically proven methods can help you “reclaim your riches” and find the happiness you crave.

This Diwali, get financially informed and independent with “Reclaim Your Riches.”

BONUSES: There are three free guided processes recorded by the author in the book. Use the QR code shared in the book to access the powerful guided process-driven meditations worth 9,000/- free.

Reclaim your Riches

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