What do you think about every night before you sleep? Are your thoughts pleasant? Do you often have the same dream? If you do, you’re not alone. Meditation and manifestation are prevalent and powerful tools to manifest your dreams.

More times than not, what we dream is often what we believe. If we have good thoughts, our dreams might seem real and lovely. Dreams are, after all, remnants of your subconscious. But what if dreams are a way of manifesting what happens in real life? Isn’t that great as well?

Despite sounding strange, it can happen. One way to make this happen is through meditation. Here’s how to start! You can manifest your dreams and desires by meditating daily.

Money Manifestation workshop conducted by Dr. Sujata Singhi

Regular Meditation – The Key To Manifesting Your Goals. Here Are Steps For

 Effective Meditation.

Here’s how to manifest your desires through meditation. Sit with your back straight, your feet flat on the ground, and your head pointing up. Close your eyes.

Stage One – Relaxation

When meditating, the first step is to relax your entire body. Start by relaxing your forehead and moving down to your toes. Focus on each area – eyes, head, neck, torso, hands, legs, feet, and toes – and relax all the tense muscles. Once you’ve relaxed your limbs, relax any tense areas you couldn’t get to in the first round. This should take around five minutes.

Stage Two – Focus 

In this stage, focus on your breath and how you inhale and exhale. Notice your feelings and your environment. Breathe normally but expand your focus with each breath. Focus on the sounds, smells, and textures around you. This stage might take about five minutes too.

Stage Three – Open Your Heart

This kind of meditation is powerful and therefore needs you to self-affirm. Using phrases like “I open my heart. I am good, I do good, and I am loved” help tell the universe that you want to promote good in the world. You can use any affirmation that promotes your self-worth and makes you feel calm.

It might seem bizarre but practicing this kind of meditation helps make us feel calm, open, and relaxed. It also helps increase our positive vibrations and the tone of our vagus nerve. Meditating regularly stimulates our rest-and-digest response.

Other benefits include increased focus, calmness, improved blood pressure, heart rate, and immunity. We also react differently to stressful situations.

Stage Four – Manifest

Once you have relaxed, increased focus, and opened yourself up, you are ready to manifest. Start small with one or two goals. You can gradually increase your goals. You can manifest anything from money for your start-up, career promotions, romance, or harmony.

Begin with your first goal – keep your eyes closed and visualize your life with the goal accomplished. Visualize where you are, what colors surround you, your feelings, and even what you look like. While it might be difficult initially, if you keep at it, you’ll be able to visualize your future clearly.

Move on to your second goal after spending five minutes visualizing your first. These four steps are an excellent way to instill a success-oriented mindset.   

The Takeaway

Remember when Descartes said, “I think therefore I am”? Thinking is an excellent source of power. In the endless race of staying ahead, we don’t think much about how we think. Meditation helps in providing clarity and positivity.

Having positive thoughts tends to affect every aspect of your life. When you are in a headspace where you believe in yourself and are grateful for your things, you will feel connection, love, and warmth with life. This will start a cycle of joy in your life. This manifestation method works for money too.

When we operate from a space of negativity, our reality will mirror our beliefs. Therefore, it is safe to say that our meditation and manifestation practices can affect our finances too.

About The Author:

Dr. Sujata Singhi, is an author, licensed NLP trainer, certified life coach, corporate leadership trainer, speaker, sound and spiritual scientist. Author of the international bestseller and awarded book, “Power of Sound”, she has also written the books ,” Cut the Crap” and recently launched her new book called “Reclaim your riches” and it is a NO.1 Best Seller on Amazon. She has been conferred with 5 doctorates and a D.Litt in specialized areas of Sound and Music as therapy, NLP, Spiritual Sciences, science of Wellness, Happiness and Humanities. She is also a youth transformation and Prosperity Coach as a nation builder. Her other

achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer and the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

During the pandemic, Dr. Singhi conducted virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Meditations, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, and Certifications. All of her workshops revolve around wellness, relationships, and financial health.

Check our website for more information on workshop schedules:

How To Reclaim Your Riche

In this book by Dr. Sujata Singhi, she explores the secrets of “manifesting” and achieving the ability to live a magnetic life filled with complete joy and freedom. It manages to transform your life by giving you access to clear information with a new perspective.

Learning the holistic approach to ancient, time-tested, and scientifically proven methods can help you “reclaim your riches” and find contentedness. 

BONUSES: guided processes recorded by the author are given free in the book. Use the QR code shared in the book to access the powerful guided process-driven meditations worth 9,000/- totally free.

Book your copy on: https://amzn.to/2YQIIhf

Visit: www.sujatasinghi.com

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sujatasinghi