There are signs from the universe that you are on the right path comes like synchronicity. It could be through a coincidental encounter with someone, a dream, or an unexpected phone call. Seeing these signs can be reassuring that you are on the right path.

On the contrary, having constant doubts and being uncertain can destroy your dreams. These feelings keep you from taking the actions that will take you closer to your goal. If you are spiritual and manifest, you must have a destination in mind.

You want to change your life, overcome, or achieve something – this also implies that you are trying to bring an idea into existence, one that’s not pre-existing. Regardless of whether you love or hate your current life, you are in a familiar and comfortable circumstance. You might want to change desperately, but something is stopping you – your subconscious likes staying safe and will fight you.

The best part of life is that the universe is always rooting for you, and you create your life with its help. The universe is there to guide you, help you, and show you the most efficient path to get to where you desire. It is equally about receiving guidance, listening to your intuition, and following it.

What Is Manifestation?

There might be people you look up to that seem to have it all. Chances are, they’ve mastered manifestation. According to The Health Coach Institute, “Manifestation is the process of turning a specific desired outcome into reality through focused visualization, unwavering belief, and intentional action.”

Manifesting is a powerful tool to set and accomplish your goals. Manifestation is about visualizing your dream, believing you can achieve them, and acting to achieve your desired outcome. Can you manifest anything you want? Yes and no.

You can manifest anything that doesn’t exist in your life, as long as it’s realistic and specific. For example, you can manifest a promotion and make it a reality, but you cannot manifest a unicorn – it won’t come true. There are limitations to every power, including the power of the universe.

While believing anything is possible is crucial to manifestation, there’s much more to it. Here are a few methods to help you manifest the life you desire.

Spiritual Science of Life and Living
Dr.Sujata Singhi conducting the Reclaim Your Riches training for corporates internationally

3 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want

Step 1: Know Precisely What You Want

Know what you want out of life. Grab a pen and paper and write what you want – whether it’s a better house, solo trip, or a promotion. Be specific about your desires. The universe can only help if you know precisely what you want. So instead of writing “I want to have a successful career,” write “I want to earn six figures at work by the end of this year.”

Step 2: Uncover Your Reason

Once you’ve understood what you want, introspect, and figure out your reasons for your goals. This way, you can ensure you genuinely enjoy the path and the fruits of your labor for the right reasons. Sometimes, the things we want are due to outside influence. Knowing what we want is an essential part of manifestation. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to guide you:

  • Is this what I truly desire?
  • How will my life get better from this?
  • Why do I want this?
  • How do I feel when I think of achieving this goal?

Step 3: Ask For It

Once you’ve identified and solidified your desires and goals, it’s time to manifest them. There’s no right way to manifest. People pray, meditate, write letters to the universe, or use vision boards. Use a method of your preference but make it known.

Repeating your desires has significant power. So declare your goals many times a day by writing them down or speaking them aloud in the mirror to increase your manifesting capacity.

How To Keep Going Once You’ve Achieved Your Goals

When we reach our goals, we become complacent. This makes sense if our goals are limited and short-term. However, many goals are about creating effective and lasting personal change. Focusing on a destination we’ve reached can hurt our chances when establishing long-term changes.

When we do this, we’re demotivating ourselves and losing focus. This is why people often return to their old ways once they’ve achieved their goals. Focusing on the journey to the destination keeps us motivated and reminds us of the work we’ve done so far.

Manifestation is the key to finding a sense of positive growth and linking it to effective behaviors. When we visualize our goal and try to achieve it, we see the behaviors we use with the positive change we experience.

About The Author:

Dr. Sujata Singhi, is an author, licensed NLP trainer, certified life coach, corporate leadership trainer, speaker, sound and spiritual scientist. Author of the international bestseller and awarded book, “Power of Sound”, she has also written the books ,” Cut the Crap” and recently launched her new book called “Reclaim your riches” and it is a NO.1 Best Seller on Amazon. She has been conferred with 5 doctorates and a D.Litt in specialized areas of Sound and Music as therapy, NLP, Spiritual Sciences, science of Wellness, Happiness and Humanities. She is also a youth transformation and Prosperity Coach as a nation builder. Her other

achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer and the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

During the pandemic, Dr. Singhi conducted virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Meditations, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, and Certifications. All of her workshops revolve around wellness, relationships, and financial health.

Check our website for more information on workshop schedules:

How To Reclaim Your Riche

In this book by Dr. Sujata Singhi, she explores the secrets of “manifesting” and achieving the ability to live a magnetic life filled with complete joy and freedom. It manages to transform your life by giving you access to clear information with a new perspective.

Learning the holistic approach to ancient, time-tested, and scientifically proven methods can help you “reclaim your riches” and find contentedness. 

BONUSES: guided processes recorded by the author are given free in the book. Use the QR code shared in the book to access the powerful guided process-driven meditations worth 9,000/- totally free.

Book your copy on:

