Life’s failures are sometimes unimaginable. The results are not as anticipated, despite earnest efforts and hard labour. If you’ve been dealing with money problems for a long time and have tried every approach but to no avail, there is something you can do to restart the process.

Have you thought about money blockages? Money blockages have deep roots in our subconscious minds that go unnoticed for years until you discover you’ve reached a financial ceiling.

Ever wondered how to fix it? You must first gain insight into what your money blocks are before moving forward with removing them. You can work toward letting go of the beginnings once you’ve identified them.

Clear Everything Out

Ever felt like you’re in a rut? Is your business going through continuous losses? Are you not able to find work? Manifesting is a great way to begin making space for improvements in your life – even when it comes to money. You accomplish this by clearing out everything that no longer serves you, both physically and mentally.

Letting go of material things can be difficult for everyone as it often holds some sentimental value for us. But most times, negative energy can be holding you back from being fruitful. You should begin by clearing out your closets, cabinets, car, wallet, bedroom, kitchen, living room, as well as files on your computer.

Remove anything that no longer serves you or the goal you desire to achieve. This helps in cleansing your thoughts of things that have been lingering in the back of your mind. When you want to de-clutter your mind, consider letting go of old memberships to sites or hobbies, groups that no longer interest you, services you no longer use, and old friendships that don’t seem to work.

Learn To Forgive

Are you unable to let go of grudges or hatred? Forgiving can be one of the hardest things for a person to do. This can be what’s hindering you. Forgiveness is significantly undervalued. Most people are unwilling to forgive others, particularly if they have been harmed in some way.

You win when you realise that forgiveness is a method to set yourself free from whatever or whoever was holding you back. When using forgiveness to erase your financial blocks, make a long list of every limiting notion about money you’ve ever had, from birth to the present day.

Make an effort to complete this task without interruption. Then, when you think you’ve said everything –  large, small, trivial, humiliating, and so on – stop. Feel the emotions, and then say, “I forgive, I love you, I’m sorry, I’m grateful.” You’ll feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders by the conclusion of the list.

Ways To Improve Your Vibration And Attract More Money And Successfulness

We must recognise that money evokes an emotional response in us. More than anything else, in fact.
So, if we take a step back and look at it from a different angle, the true goal is the emotion that this quantity of money will offer you. You will produce the emotion inside yourself if you first Experience it.
The thing about abundance in general is that it allows us to combine how we feel with the actions we take.
That’s why many people believe that if you’re passionate about something, you’ll attract more of it.

  • Money is both an energy and an emotion.
  • It’s something external to us that functions as a tool.
  • It’s a result of either the value we can provide to others or the fact that we’re following our passion.

Be Thankful Always

How often are we grateful for what we have? The highest intensity for attraction is gratitude. Being grateful for what you have now, what you’ve had in the past, and what you will have in the future is another undervalued technique. When you’re grateful, you become a magnet.

Do you find it challenging to be thankful? Do your circumstances often make you feel less than grateful for all the other blessings in your life? I understand how difficult it can be to start this practice, but it takes time to develop, just like any other habit.

To make it simple, always start with the people you are most grateful to and what you admire in them, and then move on to what you’re thankful for in the past and future. It’s the best (and most straightforward) strategy to guarantee your success.


Understand your money, visualise it and manifest it, mediate to have positive energy. Write your goals into reality, make it happen. Consider the financial objective you want to reach right now and visualise having the money in your palm or seeing the amount when you log into your bank account.

What does it feel like if it’s already here? A physical affirmation of sorts. Pay attention to emotion since it will assist you in manifesting and, as a result, weakening your money obstacles. Let us know what money blockages you’ve faced and what methods you used to get through them.

About The Author:

 Dr.Sujata Singhi, the author of the international bestseller book, “Power of Sound,” has written a new book called “Reclaim your riches”, which talks about the time tested, proven and scientific ways of raising the vibrations to awaken the money manifestor in you. She is an expert in Wealth and Wellness vibrations and holds a doctorate in Sound and Spiritual Sciences, she is an international trainer of Sound therapies, a Motivational and Keynote speaker, a certified Life and Transformation Coach. Her other achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer and being the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound.”

During the pandemic, Dr Sujata Singhi conducted virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, and Certifications. All of her workshops are about wellness, relationships, and financial health. Check our website for more information on workshop schedules.

How To Reclaim Your Riches-Titled as “Book of the Week and Author of the week”-Frontlist at the prestigious Delhi Book Fair, Pragati E- September 2021

In this book, Dr Sujata Singhi explores the secrets of becoming a “manifestor” and gaining the ability to live an eternally magnetic life filled with joy and complete freedom. It manages to transform your life by giving you access to obvious information with a new perspective.

Getting a holistic approach to ancient and scientifically proven methods can help you “reclaim your riches” and find the happiness you crave.

BONUSES: 3 guided processes recorded by the author are given free in the book. Use the QR code shared in the book to access the powerful guided process driven meditations worth 9,000/- totally free.

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