India is an auspicious land of virtues, colors, mythological stories, and legends. A land rich in languages cultures and festivals. Around the corner, the bells are ringing for Ugadi. This is a regional festival celebrated in Karnataka and has great significance. People are enthusiastic about the festival but what exactly is Ugadi?

What is Ugadi?

This is a festival that is considered a new year of the Hindu calendar. The word Ugadi has been derived from the two words “Yuga” and “Adi”. Yuga means year and adi means beginning in both Kannada and Hindi. We have a mythological story behind every festival so does this. There are not many legends and stories around the festival but the one most popular and shared worthy is the story of “World Creation”.

Lord Brahma whom we consider the creator of the world is believed to create the world on this day. Ugadi is referred to specifically in this era as the “Kalyug”. The day is commonly known as ‘Ugadi Chandrmana’. The day is considered the perfect occasion to begin anything new like a venture or business.

Ugadi has a great spiritual science perspective because of its planetary alignment. So, let’s understand the alignment and how can it help us.

Dr.Sujata Singhi Conducting Sound Therapy Workshop

Planetary Alignment on Ugadi:

The planet changes its position according to which we understand the significance of the festival. Ugadi has a planetary alignment that helps us to understand the spiritual science behind it.

Let’s begin:

·        The distance between the sun and earth on the day is an average distance. This allows the uniform distribution of the light on the planet.

·        The equal distribution of sunlight results in an equal length of day and night. This equation helps humans to keep a balance of harmonious energies and kinetic & potential energies during the daytime.

·        Another thing that makes the festival the flag barrier of harmony is the equatorial planes of the sun and earth both algins equally.

Significance of Ugadi:

After this unique planetary alignment, let’s understand the spiritual significance of the festival. The festival has countrywide believed that showcase its importance uniformly baring the borders of the states.

Apart from being the new year, the day is considered the day when Lord Krishna left the planet sacrificing his human body and dressing up back to the divinity of Lord Vishnu. Talking about lord Vishnu, another reincarnation of Lord Ram also has a great connection with the day. Lord Ram was crowned King of Ayodhya.

So, this means that the day makes us learn to rejoice and still keep in mind that an empathetic aspect is needed.

Falling right after Maha Shivratri and Holi, Ugadi is an alarm to wake up from the dreams and step into the empirical reality. Ugadi is the day of beginning fresh. This festival is not just a random date or time but something that helps establish a relation between body, mind, soul, physiology, planetary alignments and nature.

The festival is about starting fresh, a new beginning. Cutting all negativity and learning from all the mistakes of the past. It is time to make Sankalp. You have to promise yourself to be stronger, positive and more lovable towards yourself than in the bygone year.

Sometimes these practices can’t be done on your own. You might need a guide or coach that can help you to pull out of the Tagalog of self-doubt. Dr Sujata Singhi is a Sound and Spiritual scientist with numerous doctorate degrees in relative fields. She understands the spiritual and scientific importance of such occasions and bridges between them so that you can get the most out of them.

Let’s start fresh this Ugadi and try to relive, rejuvenate your soul and spirit. May this Ugadi all of us look forward to new opportunities and put a step closer to our dreams. May we get that financial stability and mental and spiritual peace.

 About Dr.Sujata Singhi

Dr. Sujata Singhi, is a Bestselling Author, licensed NLP trainer, Wealth and Wellness Coach, corporate leadership trainer, speaker, Sound and Spiritual scientist. Author of the international bestseller and awarded book, “Power of Sound”, which earned her the title of, “Boon to mankind” by the Hon. President of India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee during his tenure in May 2017. She has also written the books,” Cut the Crap” and recently launched her new book called “Reclaim your riches” and it is a NO.1 Best Seller on Amazon. This book has also been awarded. She has been conferred with 5 doctorates and a D.Litt in specialized areas of Sound and Music as therapy, NLP, Spiritual Sciences, Science of Wellness, Happiness and Humanities. She is also a youth transformation and Prosperity Coach as a nation builder. Her other achievements include being a Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer and the Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.

During the pandemic, Dr. Singhi conducted 307 virtual global workshops on Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Meditations, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, and Certifications. All of her workshops revolve around wellness, relationships, and financial health. She was awarded the Ashok Stumbh, Gem of India and various other national and international awards for her contribution to mankind.

She is also an international meditation expert having guided thousands of people across the globe on effective meditation and has witnessed miraculous results in health, wealth, relationships and spiritual evolvement. She has been referred as a guru by her participants. Spiritual retreats for the same are led by her internationally.

Check on for upcoming training and events.

How To Reclaim your Riches

In this book by Dr. Sujata Singhi, explores the secrets of “Manifesting” and achieving the ability to Live a Magnetic Life filled with complete joy and freedom. It manages to transform your life by giving you access to clear information with a new perspective.

Learning the holistic approach to ancient, time-tested, and scientifically proven methods can help you “Reclaim your Riches” and find contentedness.

BONUSES: 3 guided processes recorded by the author are given free in the book. Use the QR code shared in the book to access the powerful guided process-driven meditations worth 9,000/- totally free.

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