Have you ever identified the metaphysical dimension within you? The journey of metaphysics is an internal path that helps you understand intellectual, emotional, spiritual, wisdom, sexual, and physical intelligence. By turning towards the metaphysical mode, you step into the internal path of inspiration, love, good health, philosophy, advice, spiritual development, present as well as future karma.
Ancient Greece is the source of the origination of the term metaphysics. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that relates to the reason and nature of beingness. In simple, the metaphysical journey is an exploration of reality. You would have noticed people engaging in various dimensions, but the base resultant is metaphysics.
The metaphysical journey
You would have heard about astrologers, yogis, meditation teachers, positive thinking teachers, mystics, self-help teachers, coaches, spiritual healers, counsellors, graph analysis, and more. Though the range is broad, the fundamental search is for the meaning of life and truth. All the roles above are part of the metaphysics.
The metaphysical journey is for people who desire to search for solutions for primary questions of life. Are you in search of queries? Are you looking for answers for the relationship between mind, man, and the universe? You will find the solution through the metaphysical journey. It is a quest to ascend from duality to non-duality.
The latest studies reveal that spirituality is as important as nutrition for human health. Some scientists state that people lacking spiritual beliefs are at risk. People with spiritual beliefs tend to be optimistic about life and deal with diseases in a non-diverse manner.
Metaphysical health
Take a look at health factors with metaphysics. Ill-health and sick people believing in metaphysics have a unique view. The metaphysical journey provides a positive vision and helps them attain their healing goals. People gain a better belief about getting healthy quickly. It is also true that patients who have undergone surgeries recover promptly. People believing in metaphysics possess good hope and are optimistic. Unhappiness is a minor part of their life. They also lack fear and nervousness. Moreover, they enjoy a universal sense of happiness.
The five bodily senses, the primary universal energy field, opinions, and beliefs, are unsung by conventional medicines these days. Today’s view about health relies mainly on drugs and surgery.
The modern generation undervalues positive thinking. Our ancestors followed mantras, extraordinary thoughts, and satisfaction into thoughts. But the sad part is that the root ideas and powerful techniques vanished with the passage of time. Our dominion of abilities has the power of optimistic philosophy. Positive energy helps to generate an enjoyable and stress-free life.
Metaphysics of vibration and sound

Do you know the metaphysical journey heals your illness with vibration and sound? Sound and vibration were in use by almost all cultures and traditions for healing and linking with better realms. The afore-mentioned was possible through drumming bells, chanting mantras, using instruments, gongs, singing, etc. The truth is that few sounds offer a soothing, calming, and euphoric effect.
Do you know how the metaphysical journey with sound and vibration affects you physiologically? The reality is that few intensities and frequencies of vibration and sound produce a calming effect on your body. They activate the parasympathetic nervous system in the body.
This nervous system is responsible for the flight or fight response at times of fear, stress, or emergency. By activating the nervous system, the adrenaline gland starts its process. The resultant is the pumping of adrenaline into the body. In this way, the respiration and heart rates are pre-eminent. Hence, more alertness and release of energy into the body are possible.
Do you know the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the digest and rest system? They help in relaxing the body, declining heart rate, and dilating the blood vessels too. Restoring calmness is possible after a flight or fight by following the metaphysical journey. Vibration and soothing sounds activate the parasympathetic nervous system. They relax and calm the body and mind.
If you have decided to relax with few vibrations and sounds such as the gentle chiming of bells, gongs, singing bowls, and other instruments are beneficial. These sounds entrain your brain patterns for a slower and lower frequency. The synchronization of vibrational activity with more than one object is called entrainment. Here the stronger vibration influences the weaker ones.
Healing effect with sound

Do you know that the human spine responds to sound? June Leslie Weider D.C. found that every vertebra of the human spine responds to sound. She is an expert and has treated vertebral misalignments with vibrations. By vibrating in affected vertebrae with tuning folk, results are successful. These vibrations accord with the vertebras resonant frequencies. Hence, tuning every vertebra of the spine with a particular frequency is possible. Similarly, Dr. Sujata Singhi, a sound bowl and frequency expert has used various sounds and vibrations on various patients especially in the field of oncology, neurology and autoimmune disorders and has found miraculous recoveries. Few of the critical cases are mentioned in her book, “Power of Sound”.
Wellness and healing with metaphysics
All of you are aware that energy healing and wellness results in growth, happiness, enhanced efficiency, and better health. To gain the above adopting a metaphysical journey is the best way. The journey with metaphysics brings energy healing and wellness. They are a solution to the workplace.
The journey of metaphysics is productive by joining workplace wellness programs. Some of the programs are meditation with creative visualization, chakra sounds, stress management, etc. The program also adopts the importance of focus and vibrations and understanding the various metaphysical aspects of life.
The happiness of employees with a metaphysical process

Employers around the globe realize that the happiness and health of employees are crucial. To enhance the gladness and productivity of the business, following the metaphysical process is the right way. Dr. Sujata Singhi has conducted various corporate wellness sessions much to the delight of the employers and the employees.
Final Thoughts:
A metaphysical journey makes you more conscious. You are mindful of your beliefs and thoughts in this process. Individuals maintain good health with the journey of metaphysics. The reason is you do not damage yourself. The process heals you with energy. Do you know your physical body is the mirror of your inner body? Hence, maintaining a metaphysical heal is imperative. The reflection of good health is evident by the physical body.
Your conscious mind feeds aspects to reach and react with the subconscious side. It is the subconsciousness that transforms what it receives to the body. The above mentioned is what transforms into the physical body and reacts to the situation.

About the Author:

Author of the International bestseller book” Power of Sound”, next upcoming book, “Reclaim your Riches”, Doctorate in Sound Bowl Therapies, International trainer of Sound Therapies, Motivational and Keynote Speaker, Certified Life and Transformation Coach, Richard Bandler Licensed NLP Coach and Trainer, , Founder of “Creativity in Education” & “Divine Soul Sound”.
In this time of the global pandemic, she has been conducting various online workshops in the field of Sound, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Conscious Living processes, Meditations, certifications and many more series of workshops for wellness, relationships and financial health which are experiential and attended by people from across the world. Do check the website under upcoming events for the schedule of each of these workshops.
Upcoming Online Event:
Self Healing with Sound Therapy training program on 10-11 October 2020
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