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People are the most important asset of any comprehensive corporate and their wellness is of utmost importance at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Personal growth and development empower your employees to produce better results and meet their goals throughout the year. Through development opportunities within your workplace, you can expect to attract the best prospective employees, keep your current employee population motivated, productive and confident.

When done correctly, wellness programs give employees incentives, tools, social support, privacy, and strategies to adopt and maintain healthy behaviours. Most worksites do a pretty good job of helping employees improve their health and wellness behaviours.

Living in an uncertain, complex, fast-paced environment is stressful, the root cause of all physical, mental and emotional issues faced by people across various sectors. We find ourselves experiencing stress and emotional outbursts that affects our productivity at work too.


According to the Constitution of India, when a woman is sexually harassed in the workplace, it violates her right to equality and her right to life. The Ministry of Women and Child Development in India had enacted the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act or POSH Act in 2013 to prevent it from happening. The aim of this Act is to protect women at the workplace and provide them a safe environment to work in.
With our collaborative partners and experts, we undertake POSH trainings for corporates.

Here is how work-life balance statistics looks like

  • 33% of people say that managing their work, family and social life has become difficult,
  • 47% work life stress has increased in past 5 years
  • 20% feel overwhelmed emotionally and hence cannot give their best at work.

Managing our feelings, frustration can help us reduce stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Time to step up to early detection and prevention of such issues before they snowball into illnesses which will increase absenteeism and reduce efficiency at work.

As Corporate wellness and Personal Development expert, Dr Sujata Singhi and her team conduct various employee development workshops including Vedic Leadership trainings and bootcamps for corporates in experiential learning methodology. In the current times, these pieces of training are also been conducted online.

We also offer services on weight management, diet and nutrition, life coaching and personal consultations. Pre-recorded sessions in form of Apps for regular use are also provided.

Connect to us to bring Dr Sujata Singhi’s Corporate Wellness Programs to your workplace to

Stress management along with personal development is the need of the hour for every corporate to keep their manpower work at their best potential.

Corporate Wellness Programs (CWP)

Employees want to stick with companies that are dedicated to their health because the company itself becomes a part of their daily lifestyle.

Wellness programs are more popular than ever. They started as employee perks for large corporations but today, corporate wellness programs have become a necessity for all businesses and have become a part of the regular benefits expected by the employees.

CWP are part of the Employee Enrichment Program (EEP) and comprises of the overall wellbeing of the employees of corporates which in turn enhances productivity.

“Power of 21” is the program offered wherein, 21 different activities are packaged to create wellness of the Body-Mind-Soul. These activities comprise both indoor and outdoor ambiences. To mention a few wellness sessions:

Corporate wellness sessions

  • Sound and Naad Yoga along with Hatha Yoga
  • Mudras and chair yoga for good health
  • Catharsis
  • Soul wisdom
  • Shamanic drumming (helps Team Building)
  • Chanting for stress release
  • Meditations with chakra sounds
  • Aqua-sound therapy for cellular relaxation
  • Little voice mastery
  • Relationship healing
  • Twin heart meditation
  • Super brain yoga
  • Family sessions for corporate employees-1 day
  • Break through meditations with Sound Therapy
  • Creative visualisation and stress management
  • Sound and Breath work Meditations
  • Singing to de-stress (Music Therapy)
  • Mandala meditation and bootcamp.
  • Affirmation creation program
  • Art based de-stressing programs
  • Outbound-Stretch your limits

Corporates/Organisations/ clubs/groups can also have their sessions customised based on the need/goals.

Special Wellness Retreats cum boot camps are also conducted for corporates/institutions/organisations/groups/clubs.

Annual contracts for monthly/bi-monthly wellness sessions are Available on contract basis.

Choice of destinations is also available for different packages and needs.


Anticipate, Adapt and Accelerate

There are several different topics within the personal development world, but they all seem to fall under five major categories. The categories are mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and physical.

International corporate self-leadership training

Some of the corporates whom we have served have noticed

  • Reduction in medical cost
  • Improvement in employee engagement
  • Increase in physical activity
  • Weight management
  • More peaceful and happier work force

Corporates we have served

In Association with

Connect with us for creating value added tailor-made workshops for your organisation to create a Culture of Positivity , Team bonding and powerful mindset for business growth

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