Get access to exclusive workshops by Dr Sujata Singhi


Present-day life can granulate even the best of us down. Modern stressful lifestyle has made it a necessity for the mind, body and soul to take a break from everyday living and the its related stresses.
A spiritual retreat is a great place to reconnect to oneself, introspect and heal, leaving behind all material problems, reconnect with your soul as you focus on self-care and healthy living.
Spiritual Retreats are an amazing vacation choice to unwind, rejuvenate and relive life by resetting both body and brain through care and contemplation in nature.

“You Have to Grow from The Inside Out…There Is No Other Teacher but Your Own Soul.” – Swami Vivekananda

The primary goal is to reach out to your tired body, mind and soul to heal from within making you improve your quality of life.
With amazing destinations chosen specifically to meet the needs and style of the participants helps create memorable experiences you would love to relive. From the Himalayan ranges in India to the pristine beaches of Goa and Bali, connect to the energies of nature to heal yourself.
You will also learn a number of spiritual processes which can be practised easily even in your everyday life.
While some may go too far off lands for a quiet reflection retreat, some may like to be closer to home.
Both international and domestic spiritual retreats are available with a vision of elevating your spirit with complete wellness at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Thus, gear up to participate in the profound retreats facilitated/conducted by Dr Sujata Singhi and the Divine Soul Sound team to encounter the antiquated practices in the first-class conditions both in India and abroad.
Retreats are customised as per the needs of the corporates, institutions, organisations, social groups, professional groups, communities, families and individuals.
Special retreats are also conducted for senior citizens and teenagers.

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