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“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Dr Sujata Singhi is the author of the international bestseller book, “Power of Sound” which was titled, “Boon to Mankind” by Hon. President of India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee in May 2017 during his tenure.
A master trainer and researchist in sound and music therapies, Dr Sujata Singhi was also conferred with 5 doctorates and a D.Litt. in musical Arts from Universities recognised by the United Nations, Government of India, accredited by Cambridge, UK. She has also presented research papers on, “Sound as Medicine”. She is an international master trainer in sound therapies and has trained and transformed more than 10,000 lives globally in the field of sound as therapy. She has worked on patients in hospitals, trained medical professionals, musicians, students, yoga teachers, psychologists, counsellors, educators, entrepreneurs, healers, trainers, NGOs, caretakers, nutritionists, housewives, corporate professionals, public leaders, celebrities and spiritual teachers

Sound Healing - The ultimate guide for mind, body and soul

According to ancient teachings (Vedic science) and as per modern physics, the universe and mankind were created from and by sound (Big Bang Theory of Physics), therefore man is sound.
Himalayan Singing bowls produce the sound of “AUM”, the rich sonic vibrations which alter space, mind and time. 72% of the human body is made up of water and water is the best conductor of Sound and Vibrations. Hence, the sound goes deep inside the body at the cellular level enabling effective healing. Ailments are seen when the natural sounds of the body go out of tune.
When a sick man is nourished with the right kind of sound vibrations, the trillions of cells in his body starts to reverberate at the vibrations and reorganizes themselves according to the divine blueprint, bringing in a state of healthy being. Sounds of the singing bowls helps in healing the patients by resonating with the eternal sound of the planet and aids adding joy and melody in their lives.
Himalayan Singing Bowls and other sound therapy instruments are highly meditative, therapeutic and transformational healing tools guiding seekers on their path to spiritual enlightenment, play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder. Healing with Himalayan Singing Bowls, gongs, bells, voice, tuning forks are scientifically proven, time tested modality and has been accepted with tremendous approval globally. In the last 2-3 decades, sound therapy is becoming the forerunner in healing, worldwide being used distinctly in two areas:

  •  Sound, voice and music for meditation, relaxation, creativity, productivity, capacity building, emotional wellness and peace.
  •  Sound Therapy for healing, raising immunity and treating ailments.

  • Proven areas of application of Himalayan Singing Bowls and other sound instruments as used by Dr. Sujata Singhi
  •  Activates the self-healing mechanism of the body.
  •  Enhances productivity and aid capacity building
  •  Better integration of the left and right hemisphere of the brain.
  •  Increases self-confidence.
  •  Helps align the energy body-Chakras.
  •  Aids release emotional traumas and PTSS.
  •  Enables solve fertility issues, have relaxed pregnancy and smoother delivery.
  •  Has positive influence on ADHD, autism and other learning disabilities.
  •  Aids speech and audio therapies.
  •  Eases physical pains.
  •  Aids deep meditative states.
  •  Solves relationship issues.
  •  Aids in releasing depression and uplifting mental and emotional wellbeing.
  •  Aids relief to terminally ill patients.
  •  Helps in space clearing and changing energy of the environment.
  •  Helps in raising vibrations to attract prosperity and wealth.


Various sound healing techniques used at Divine Soul Sound-Dr. Sujata Singhi

  •  Himalayan Singing Bowls
  •  Tuning Forks treatments
  •  Gongs and bells
  •  Voice vibration therapy
  •  Chimes, percussions and rhythm works
  •  Solfeggio pipe frequencies
  •  Music Therapy (classical and neo-classical instruments)
  •  Soul Sound Designing
  •  Brain and root chakra entrainments
  •  Vibroacoustic Healing with sound and mantras
  •  Chakra cleansing and balancing with sound and voice
  •  Acqua-accoustic sound therapy
  •  Sound Baths and Spas
  •  Trauma healing with sound processes
  •  Frequencies for treatment of diseases (Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual)
  •  Recorded frequencies offered for healing health, relationships, finances, career, growth, spiritual and personal development.

The Doctors’ Perspective Michael Verrilli, an osteopathic physician from Northampton, Massachusetts, described how his stress and anxiety disappeared after such therapy. He spoke. “I am convinced that the Tibetan singing bowls are an essential part of sound healing and an extremely valuable tool in integrative medicine today, especially for the healing of stress and for pain relief.” Dr Mitchell Gaynor, director of medical oncology and integrative medicine at the Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Centre in New York, used the bowls and other sound therapies to help his cancer patients — whether to relieve the stress and shock of diagnosis or to soothe the pain associated with chemotherapy and other treatments.

“Sound can change our immune system,” explains Dr Gaynor. “Our Interleukin-1 level, which is an index of our immune system, goes up between 12 ½ and 15% after Gregorian chanting or listening to certain forms of music. And after listening to this music for 20 minutes, our immunoglobin levels in our blood are significantly increased.” According to Dr Gaynor, therapeutic sound affects our bodies on a cellular and sub-cellular level. “There is not an organ system in our body that is not affected by sound, music, and vibration,” he says.

“Sound can help people who are sick, especially cancer patients”.

Dr. Sujata Singhi has worked extensively on patients with cancer and terminal disease and has found miraculous recoveries which has its mention in her book, “Power of Sound”. Dr. Sujata Singhi trains in both Himalayan Singing Bowls and Crystal Bowls.

COURSES and Trainings offered

Sound Healing teachers training course: 40 days program (360 hours)

Learn to Heal and Transform with the Power of Sound

What you’ll master

The importance of Sound Healing and Therapy is matched by scientific evidence to establish a direct link with wellness. During the training program, you will explore the various implications of sound therapy and how sound healing is a vital spiritual practise, integral to the principles of ancient discoveries, dating back through the timeline of human history.
To engage in healing practices, you gain hands-on practical exposure to healing and wellness techniques that create a more mindful and wholesome approach to life. Rekindle your inner chakras with the healing power of sound. Reinvent your life, goals and ambitions with the confidence gained from transforming your best experiences into reality.
Develop your skills and inner vibration, to become a Sound Healer, Therapist and/or Integrate Sound into the Therapies you already Practice.

Trainings and workshops are conducted in the various forms of sound healing both online and offline. Details of the same are available under upcoming events.
Personal consultations and healings and treatments are conducted both online and offline by prior appointments.

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