India is the primary and oldest civilization in the world. If the 19th and 20th centuries are not included, it is also the wealthiest civilization on earth. The impact of ancient Indian history on the modern world is due to the many indicators of Indian genius. The language people use is so logical that it stimulates critical thinking about the essential unity of human diversity. The scientific knowledge base provided by our Rishis and insightful thinkers covers an extensive range of areas such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, metallurgy, biotechnology, environmental science, etc. Many are attributed to the scientific mind of India for the first time.

The invention of the zero-sum place value system, the measurement of (Pai) value, the formulation of the so-called Pythagorean theorem, the theory of the earth’s revolution around the sun, the law of universal gravitation, medical technology knowledge and surgery These themes reflect the richness of India’s scientific heritage. Inappropriately, due to intellectuals who have long been dominated by forces outside the region, we have lost our awareness of the profound contributions of our ancestors hidden in the vast Sanskrit literature. Over the past few centuries, our continued indifference to Sanskrit has also led to our lack of awareness of the rich scientific heritage. Our ignorance of a rich heritage makes us lose pride in our heritage. Because of all this, our confidence in our abilities has also been affected.

Importance of spirituality

Science and spirituality form a good partnership. If those dedicated to science spend some time in their silence, inspiration will come and lead them to find the answers they seek. Similarly, if people interested in spirituality apply the scientific laws of testing hypotheses in their own body and soul laboratories, they will find results. Scientific quests can help us discover ways to make the world a better place and find answers to questions deep in our hearts to discover an essential truth ever: God, our soul, and the purpose of our lives. Here on earth. The writer is a spiritual leader with a scientific attitude towards spirituality.

Spirituality helps us come in touch with a level of perception and revelation that gives us the motivation to uncover scientific truths. Over time we can steadily expand the conscious volume of our minds. We can learn to information finer and more delicate qualities of thought, to the point where belief itself becomes excelled, and we experience the developing of the mind within itself.

The Meditation technique

Our meditation technique is derived from ancient Indian traditions, which can be traced back thousands of years. This practice is the core of the yoga system and plays a central role in Ayurveda. Ayurveda means “life science” and is the creation’s oldest natural health and personal development system. The ancient saints of India discovered that humans could gain greater power through the development of awareness. The meditation technique we use today is the result of five thousand years of research and investigation into the subtle inner workings of mind, body, and existence. The saints try to connect with the vast psychological resources that are almost unexplored under the surface of our consciousness, using meditation as their primary tool.

Over time, this knowledge of ancient perception spread throughout the world. Millions of individuals worldwide now use this precise meditation practice, people from all walks of life, to improve health, vitality, happiness, and spiritual connection through the daily routine. From entrepreneurs to celebrities, from children to spiritual seekers: everyone can use the technology. This ancient technology has been operative for thousands of years and has now withstood the rigorous test of modern scientific research and verification.

The highly ordered state of the brain’s physiology and the benefits of experiencing a deep rest state are, first of all, practical. Excellent brain function will lead to better choices, mood and health. As Napoleon Hill wrote in the 1920s, as once thought, so did he. The quality of our thoughts largely determines the quality of our lives. Our thinking process happens spontaneously: we think effortlessly from birth. On the surface, the brain is jam-packed, automatically processing details and facts. At a deeper level, our memory is used to store information. At a deeper level, impressions are stored for a long time. These come in the form of records of non-specific chemicals called neurochemicals and are by-products of our mind and body’s response to experience over time.

However, good practice can improve the quality of this thinking. Clearer thinking and judgment make us more capable of facing and solving challenges without stress. We are more and more able to act through reaction rather than reaction, and we are less and less affected by the ups and downs caused by reacting to every idea. The advantages are apparent: higher-quality ideas lead to better choices, actions, and results.

The Road Ahead

Whether you are an analyst, financier, project manager, or entrepreneur, the ability to generate creative solutions is critical to the performance of successful entrepreneurs. Solving problems quickly and establishing faster connections between ideas are signs of greater creativity and wisdom. Look at modern technology, and we will discover a new kind of treatment. In the past, we thought that healing was achieved by taking certain drugs. People in the recent medical field talk about the connection between body and mind. They talked about healing the body by healing the mind and using the power of the soul. In some of the best medical institutions in the world, doctors advocate meditation to reduce stress and eliminate stress-related diseases. Studies have shown that people who spend time meditating recover better before surgery than those who don’t. We are living in a beautiful time when the boundary between science and spirituality is becoming blurred.

Although competitiveness in a demanding environment can be exciting, there is a fine line between constructive challenge and pressure. Mental performance in a high-stress environment can only be sustainable if there is a way to deal with and recover from this stress for a long time. The ideal solution is self-management and time efficiency. Fortunately, we benefit from a simple method of meditation, processing and stress reduction twice a day, improving brain function over time rather than experiencing a decline.

About the author:

Dr. Sujata Singhi is an Author, TEDx Speaker, Certified Life and Business Coach, Sound and Spiritual Scientist, Multi Record Holder honoured in various countries.  She has transformed more than 5,00,000 lives globally in the past 25+ years on a mission to spread Joyous Living with the Power of Sound and spiritual sciences for Mental and Emotional Wellness-Peace and Prosperity.

She comes with a rich experience of 25+ years of experience, trained in 30+ healing modalities like Reiki, Pranik, Access bars, Shamanism, Mahavastu to name a few.

Recipient of various national and international awards in the capacity of an Author, Thought Leader, Transformation Influencer and Social Activist. Concept of her book, “Power of Sound” was titled “Boon to Mankind” by Hon. President of India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee in May 2017 during his tenure.

Been conferred with 5 Doctorates in the fields of Sound and Spiritual Sciences, Happiness and Wellbeing, Life Skill Education with Specialization in Sound and NLP, Humanities, Founder MERT (Music and Emotion Release Therapies) and conferred doctorate in the same.

Conferred with a D.Litt. in Musical Arts accredited by Cambridge Distance Education (UK)

Founder of Divine Soul Sound- Institute of Sound and Spiritual Sciences

International Speaker on various forums under the United Nations with regards to Health and wellness, environment, gender equality and World Peace.

As a researchist, she has been appointed as the Hon. Board Member at the IJBST an MIL of UNESCO and EDIXIO board, India and USA for Science of Wellness and Happiness

She is a Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian and a philanthropist who works towards uplifting mankind through wellness and education

She conducts training and workshops on Sound and Spiritual Sciences, Soul Awakening retreats across various countries and has had participants from over 27+ countries to date.

She is also an expert with regards to Corporate Trainings in the fields of wellness and self-leadership.

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